Sept 4, 2018
Writers seem to be in two camps about their hot beverages: either they need coffee or they love their tea. I am firmly in the latter camp. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy an occasional cup of coffee, as along as it’s drowning in milk and syrup and in no way actually resembles coffee.
To be honest, I don’t care what other people drink, I just enjoy sharing warm beverages with other people. So, I’d like to take the time to welcome everyone to my site and to tell you to pull up your favorite drink. I’m going to pretend we’re old friends from now on.
I figured I’d set up expectations about my website. Yes, I’m a writer. No, I’m not published. Yet. But just because my books haven’t made it out into the wild doesn’t mean I don’t want to share my experience.
I’m a writer, but before that I was a reader. I take it back, I don’t like reading, I need to read. My formal education and careers have been in research and academia, so whenever I start something new I tend to research, read, and see what’s already been written about the subject.
My hope is that this will be a place for me to work out my own thoughts and feeling about transitioning into full-time writing and maybe, just maybe, I can help someone else who identifies with my struggles.
I make no promises on how frequently I will update or what I’m going to talk about here, but I hope that these ramblings will give you an insight into what makes me tick.